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Rules & Regulations

These Rules & Regulations are effective 1/1/2020


1. Glass or ceramic containers

2. Trees, shrubs or flowers  planted in the earth of a cemetery gravesite

3. Concrete, wood or brick  edgings for mini-gardens

4. Stone or marble loose ground  covering on any lot

5. Wooden, metal, plastic objects-with the exception of memorial candles or    flower containers without permission of the

Cemetery Board

6. Flags and flag holders-exception of U.S. flags  or 1st Responder flags 

Double Depth Burials are not permitted except in extreme circumstances and after full consideration and approval by the Board.

From March 1 until November 1 (grass mowing season) all natural or artificial decorations may be placed next to monument or markers and not to exceed 12 inches in length or diameter. It is strongly suggested not to use any type of rusting wire that will stain a monument for affixing floral tributes. 


7.  No monument of any type may be erected upon any grave without first completing a monument placement     application signed by the legal owner of the lot and signed by the monument  company doing the installation, along with a  permit fee. Said application and fee must be filed and approved by a representative of the Cemetery Board prior to any work beginning on said gravesite. 

8. Carvings of death dates on already   existing memorials shall not require a permit.

9. Foundations removed for the purpose of permitting burial shall be  replaced on a new wet poured foundation according to cemetery guidelines. 

10. No labels or emblems of any type other than the  existing bronze plaque shall be placed upon any mausoleum or niche door.

One floral decoration on the ground per    monument or marker will be allowed-all  others will be  removed by the cemetery.   Winter  decorations are permitted  starting Nov. 1 and must be removed by March 1 at which time all  decorations will be removed by the cemetery grounds keeper.

© 2020 by Bethel Methodist Cemetery

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